(1976). BI lecture announcement: Gainesville, FL

BI lecture announcement: Gainesville, FL

"Modern Science: Einstein or Frankenstein?"


Sample announcements of early BI lectures given by T. D. Singh and Richard L. Thompson.

Thompson noted: “These all challenged scientific theories regarding life. I should stress that although these were challenging, we were never impolite.” He added that none of the founders of the Bhaktivedanta Institute “ever advocated being impolite to scientists.”

Concerning this lecture given in Gainesville in 1976, Thompson wrote: “We thought that the Frankenstein title was perhaps a bit heavy. This was selected by Armarendra Prabhu, who arranged for lectures and TV interviews for BSDM and Sdp at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Later, Srila Prabhupada asked him to work full time arranging engagements for us.”

File attached below is described by Thompson (Spd) as an “early lecture outline by Spd. This lecture was presented in Gainesville.”
